#141 – Rob Lohman: 101 Reasons to Quit Getting Drunk During the Holidays

Dec 21, 2022

Rob has been through the ringer, and continues to press on!  His rap sheet includes alcohol and drug addiction, gambling addiction, divorce, bankruptcies, mental health and suicide ideation, prison, recovery and transformation. 

In year eleven of his sobriety journey, Rob had an emotional nervous breakdown which lead to a thirteen year prison sentence, to which he was released in 10.5 months to a halfway house where he started to rebuild his life, along with his two children and wife who decided to remain married to Rob after the breakdown.

Rob is now invests in the lives of those wanting to see positive change, whether it is coming out of addiction, prison or just wanting more for their lives.  He is a dynamic speaker and shares an extremely powerful journey of persistence, faith and inspiration. 

rob@liftedfromtherut.com | (970) 331-4469 | LiftedFromTheRut.com | FreeRecoveryBook.com